Archive for day August 17th, 2024

The Wind Of Autumn

It passed of the four of the afternoon when it left the consultriomdico. The world, before it having there entered, had a color, now tinhaoutras as much, with sounds, cheiros and movements that it did not perceive before knowing osresultados of its examinations. It thought about everything that had left of living, felt homesickness delugares that it did not know, of people whom never it saw, emotions that never felt edos loves that the life offered to it and that also it did not live. Filomena, this age its name, already had reached the cinqentaanos, and some people in this phase of the life, costumam to enter in crisis and with elano she was different. If it married well young for love, gotten passionate for that man comquem divided the life thirty years for more than. With it had five children, and he was comele also that he learned the art of the patience, of the unconditional donation, total dadisponibilidade and of the obligatory allegiance. One of the characteristic human beings who more developed were ada hope, this always was the word sharpest and heard by it.

– Everything goes to improve, is a time question! – Nothing it is decided of one hour stops another one! – It looks for to see the side good of the things. was with phrases of this type that took the life until there, but eagora? It did not have more time and the life did not go to improve, even so everything was if to decide, deum definitive and unexpected skill. It decided to go for house the foot, needed to walk and it adored sentiro cold wind that blew. He always liked the sensation that the autumn wind lhecausava, felt as if it brought good things, a feeling of renovaolevando emboraas bad things and reascendendode new to such hope. In the winter its soul if collected, saving the forces to paraencarar the heat of the summer.

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August 17th


Whiten Smile

Are your teeth yellowing or spotted?. This causes complexes? We will give you the solution so that you can show off a beautiful smile. To have white teeth is essential to brush them, as a minimum, 3 times per day and use dental floss to remove food residues that are deposited between the teeth. It is important to perform oral hygiene with patience well brushing each tooth to prevent the formation of plaque, if you don’t have this caution plate goes by adhering to teeth and turns into tartar. You should also know that coffee and cigarette produce staining on the teeth difficult to remove, if you can not avoid their rolling at least brush your teeth more often. Perhaps check out Glenn Dubin, New York City for more information. Here is the ultimate solution to achieve having a perfect smile: whiten my teeth in minutes here La Solicion! DEFINITIVE SOLUTION TO WHITEN YOUR TEETH GUARANTEED! To get teeth clean is to wash them after every food and every 6 months visit your dentist, tea We want to comment on that laboratories have invested many millions of dollars to produce tooth whitening products, since there is nothing to be really effective in naturally. You can deal with many homemade recipes, such as baking soda, lemon, strawberries etc.

But after all you are going to reach the conclusion that you lost your time and money, some products are also abrasive and could damage the enamel that covers your teeth. This is why we recommend you to visit this site since you will find the ultimate solution for your problem product recommended by the best dentists! Do not hesitate, if what you want is to achieve a perfect smile in only three steps and minutes, be sure to visit this site, the product is backed by the best dentists in the world. Ask for your risk-free sample test. Want to have your white teeth?You can now do so, test the product for free! Original author and source of the article

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August 17th


Body Fat

This phrase must be as common for you as it is for me. It is usually the belly that interests us down, or at least delete first, the accumulated fat in the middle of our body area. Doesn’t matter if it takes us more time lose weight other parts like thighs or arms, we want to be the belly first that disappears from the image that reflects the mirror to put us in front of him. Jessica Michibata has firm opinions on the matter. To our misfortune body will not in this way, since the accumulated fat in the abdominal part, tends to be the first that is stored and the last that disappears in wanting it to delete. At times we feel good with our body, but we want to remove the rolls or rolls that we have in the middle part.

We do physical activity or us earmarked in a gym and yet not see progress in what we want to achieve: lower belly on the other hand there are extremely thin people but with belly and as costs lower it! The reason why costs lower it is that we do not know why it appears to us this belly, if for our understanding We do not eat badly, sometimes or do it. Then why is it? Simply to food. Surely we are leading an unbalanced power. The most common is that we consume more carbohydrates that the body needs for physical activity that we perform. It is important to mention that carbohydrates are converted by the body into energy, but what happens if we eat many carbohydrates and does not use energy provided to us? Well, this excess unused energy is very easily converted into fat deposits. Then we can conclude that the way to eliminate the famous panza, is bringing a balanced diet in which pay special attention to not abuse of carbohydrates, especially in the hours of the night and more even if we are people with little physical activity.

It is important to remember that the sugars are a type of carbohydrate. We must also avoid greasy and high-calorie meals. Choose fiber-rich foods and fruits, as well as drink enough water during the day. Last but not least, it is essential to perform physical activity regularly so that our body can eliminate the accumulated excesses, such as the belly! For this walking or jogging are two good alternatives.

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August 17th

August 2024