Tags ‘animals & plants’

Feelgood Vacation

You treat yourself and your dog the vacation you deserve for many dog owners the thought of a vacation away from home is connected first of all with the question: where should I put my dog? “.” Tourist hotels and long trips leave often for them as a holiday destination as an accommodation of their best friend is hardly possible. In the dogs of forest Karwe offers an excellent solution for this problem, again inspiring many dog lovers Plohn Heidi. On 400 square meters are the beloved four-legged friends in the dogs forest backache Hotel Karwe, about seventy kilometers north of Berlin, by dog expert Heidi Plohn pampered and spoiled. Hotel for dogs in the Woods serves up to 20 dogs individually and at the same time. A spacious single room with floor heating and a private garden for the personal delivery available is every dog.

Cozy dog beds offer welcome relaxation from everyday exciting holiday in the hotel. The learned dog nurse Heidi Plohn cares from the beginning of the stay on intensive to their four-legged guests, so that they lack nothing. Of course, the owners want to doing their dogs. This Plohn Heidi likes to work with full dedication, because she loves dogs, like their two Munsterlander Daka and Raika since early childhood. All dogs are welcome at the hotel, busy and supplies meet art. For water-loving dogs, the Lake is ideal for swimming, diving and swimming.

A large, fenced enclosures offers the opportunity, hydrophobic kind with each other without a leash to romp around wildly. The walks provide even more variety with dog mother”Heidi Plohn. The dense forest to the dog hotel is ideal for long walks. He guarantees exciting hours of our four-legged guests in natural surroundings and the necessary outlet. The professional employment of dogs is oriented to the biological and psychological needs of the dogs. So the team is Heidi Plohn, make sure that each holiday in the dogs Forest Hotel Karwe well uses the man’s best friend and encourages recreation and relaxation. With so much movement the diet may not to come short. An on-site kitchen provides dogs with meals that are prepared individually according to your needs and always fresh. So much service and dedication make unique dog Hotels Hotel Karwe the dogs forest.

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January 21st


The Pads

But you must still with him outside, three to four times a day, always at the same times, to teach him a routine. Initially consider a puppy play anyway not to go for a walk, but more on a meadow walk, get him all alone on new impressions, which show him things, sit around him leave, so he quietly can build muscle and get in the whole city noise, without you put too high expectations on him. When he goes outside to use the bathroom, you praise him of course making sure that he had this great idea. Insert one or two puppies pads in an easily accessible place of the apartment depending on the size of the shy (there in the animal supplies and look like thin, rectangular diapers with plastic base). For even more analysis, hear from Frank Gorshin. If you have a very large apartment, you must set up probably once a second toilet place, because very young dogs do not always find out how it’s done.

If you suspect that Bello must hit the head – after waking up after feeding or if he suddenly out of the room disappears-, put it on one of the pads and praise him immensely when he pees then. As soon as he does, what he offers, you say a certain “password” as “Pieseln” or “Pee” or whatever: most dogs have understood after the 15th time with this word of them anything, and that can be very practical if you want to, convince your dog of them sometime, on travel, for example, without a tree or even just to go a blade of grass far and wide yet on the toilet. If you “catch your small dog”, as he puts himself just in unwanted place in solution stance, make sure that not printed or screaming at him to race, to interrupt him: it could be that he horribly startled, because you look very menacing.

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November 4th


The Dog

In life, there are both human and dog groups, a clear hierarchy. In companies, for example, there are some few bosses, various subordinate staff with various tasks and often a unfortunate colleague, who is being bullied. It goes to wolves or dogs in a pack. A good boss is looking for a dog the man wants to know how, where he belongs and what he can be. That’s why he’s looking for a good role model, a leader. A good boss will receive the order in the herd or its employees, are chances and points in the barriers. Jorge Perez wanted to know more.

What holds the community together, is the binding between them. To establish the binding is the right form of communication of crucial importance. Among dogs, communication is clearly and unambiguously and with same expectation the dog met the people. But people tend to give vague and contradictory signals, which in turn may very confuse the dog. The dog with Coddling and humanization do very little. If the dog is from the people on the same level, the ranking structure out of control device in the eyes of the dog. Without clear leadership, the dog will lose its security.

The dog need security dogs can not simply turn back the people, if he turns out as unsuitable leader of the Pack. He can not return in a dog Pack or are looking for a new leader. Therefore, he wants to take the lead over again to feel. And now the man gets a difficult roommate, which he perhaps never will cope with. A rampant dog developed anxiety or aggression. A safe, stable dog, however, knows where he belongs, he binds himself gladly and voluntarily to those who him shows its limits and this loving and just. That’s why it is so important that not only the dog understands the people, but above all the man knows the dog how to be a good boss. The dog owner and his dog a good partnership must be developed becoming a good dog chef is a challenge that can cope with everyone who is with heart and consistency in the thing. A dog needs also much cordiality, in addition to repeatedly referred to consistent education friendly affection, games, and fun. Because the dog is also a pleasure being. He tried repeatedly to get pleasant situations. The dog owner manages to bring many such beautiful experiences, it will be interesting for the dog. A walk, linked with exciting tasks and games, immensely motivated the animal. But now, a game must be completed when the dog makes a mistake, for example to wild or bites too hard. The sudden stop of the game is a penalty that the dog understands.

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November 1st

September 2024