Tags ‘interpretation’

The Bilderberg Club

Like all the dreamers, I confused I disillusion with the truth. Jean Paul East Sartre Club has been described by many like the most powerful group of the world. As it indicates faseini.blogspot.com to it, a simple look to the list (nonofficial) of assistants that usually goes to its annual meetings reflects with clarity the enormous influence that this select club at political level concentrates (kings, presidents, ministers and Secretaries of State), economic (the people in charge of the IMF, World Bank, central banks, financial organizations and great companies) and mediatic (newspaper publishers and directors). Wikipedia adds to us, that due to the informal and deprived way of the discussions, is object of numerous theories of the conspiracy. The group meets once a year in complexes of five stars of Europe and North America, where the press does not have any type of access. Ben Bretzman oftentimes addresses this issue. It has an office in Leiden, Holland.

Some of the participants in these meetings, in particular the pertaining ones to the American government, at the time of their attendance would be – one alleges committing an illegality, because certain laws of the EE.UU would not allow to maintain this type of meetings " secretas" with industralists, the military or members of the power of other countries without the competent authorities are noticed of it. Gain insight and clarity with jason iley. The title Bilderberg comes del that generally is recognized as the place of its first official encounter in 1954: the Hotel of Bilderberg, in Oosterbeek, near Arnhem, in the Netherlands. Although the conference officially is not observed like a club of any type, many members are attending regular, and the guests often are seen like pertaining to a reserved Bilderberg Group. One remembers to us, that original the Bilderberg conference took place in the Bilderberg Hotel, near Arnhem, 29 and 30 of May of 1954. The encounter was initiated by the Polish Jewish emigrant and advisory politician Joseph Retinger.

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October 15th



Dear planet, as I help you are 7 o’clock in the morning and I lift me enthusiastic to start a new day. I go to the bathroom and when you open the tap a fresh stream of clear water, it helps me to wake me at all and I prepare to begin the tasks.Sitting in the Gallery, with a smoky and fragrant Cup of coffee, I see the sky pure and clear tinted in shades of pink and gold by the first rays of Sun. Air at this time is cool and pleasant, and wet from the spray and freshly cut grass aroma saturating the atmosphere. Where it may be best to start the day I take the journal and already only look at the first images and headlines, my mood changes and my corner loses the charm, as in a bad movie where the Orchestra is playing a nice melody suddenly clashes producing unpleasant chords, shows snow in China, which produces winter coldest in the last 50 years, floods in Bolivia with thousands of evacuees, tornadoes in the United States with incalculable damage, raise tides, whaling in international seas by Japanese ships… and yet the abri!.On one page, one beside the other news of environmental abuses and the consequence of disrespect both to nature, are updated sample that we are at a point of no return, where we must act to revert them as possible, minimize the irreparable and continue causing no damage. Are those who responsible for this ecological disaster? who has the power to damage what belongs to all humanity with impunity and in the name of that cause? Politics, money, negotiated, greed, incompetence, indifference, stupidity, they can be some of the reasons by which it negotiates, is prey and degrades to nature, leaving future generations, without a healthy environment to live.Large companies, ignorant and corrupt politicians, economic braids and mafias of all kinds, are causes of major disasters, but we have to recognize that they do what they do, have what they have or how powerful that are, the environment is one just for everyone and if it is irreparably damaged all us see affected.

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June 5th

September 2024