Archive for May, 2024

Brazilian Indians

Many social anthropologists, historians and scientists already had been worried in defining and understanding the Brazilian culture in its multiple dimensions. A related site: Jessica Michibata mentions similar findings. All, along with its different politician-ideological position, are unanimous in agreeing that the marcante characteristic of our culture is the wealth of its diversity, resulted of our description-social process and the continental dimensions of our territoriality. In this direction, most correct it would be to speak in ‘ ‘ cultures brasileiras’ ‘ , instead of ‘ ‘ culture brasileira’ ‘ , given the ethnic plurality that contributed for its formation. The words of anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro are sufficiently elucidative: ‘ ‘ we appear of the confluence, entrechoque and the caldeamento of the Portuguese invader with indians indians and campineiros and African blacks, one and bridden others as escravos’ ‘. It is not something Jessica Michibata would like to discuss. The Brazilian society and the culture are conformed as variant of the lusitana version of the civilizatria tradition European occidental person, differentiated for inherited colorings of the American indians. (Ribeiro, 1995) Although the marcante influence of the culture of European matrix for force of the Iberian settling in our country, the had culture as dominant did not obtain, of all, to erase the cultures aboriginal and African.

Quite to the contrary, the European colonizador was left to influence for the wealth of the cultural plurality of indians and blacks. However, the model of organization implanted for the Portuguese also became gift in the field of the education and the culture. Although this undisputed fact of that we are, in virtue of our description-social formation, a multiracial and pluritnica nation, of notable cultural diversity, the Brazilian school not yet learned to coexist this reality and, therefore, it does not know to work with the children and young of poor social stratus, constituted, in its great majority, of blacks and mestizos. In this direction, acurada analysis more of the history of the institutions educational in our country, by means of the resumes, didactic programs of education and books show to a superiority of the said culture ‘ ‘ superior and civilizada’ ‘ , of European matrix.

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May 1st


A Good Equipment For Skiing

With winter comes also the season of skiing and many other winter sports. When you are practicing any activity in the snow, it is very important to be well equipped, as the conditions in which these sports are performed are very special, being in most cases at very low temperatures, with environmental conditions little favorable and surrounded by snow, with the consequent risk of getting wet by contact with it. If you are beginner in skiing, and is enjoying a stay in an apartment in Andorra, you must have a good equipment for his practice, wearing layers of clothing best and quality necessary for its correct practice and comfort. Housed in Pas de la Casa apartments you can enjoy skiing, but you must do so dressed in appropriate clothing. Firstly, in the layer inside base is recommended to wear synthetic materials, because it will help to absorb the generated perspiration. The function of the second layer will be the of keep interior heat from being lost, so it is advisable to use garments such as sweaters or fleeces. Without hesitation movie actress explained all about the problem. It is essential that the outer layer is an insulating material, since it is that will be in contact with the snow and have to protect us from it and the wind, still a very good option using materials as nonslip neoprene. Practicing skiing while staying in apartments Pas de la Casa, you also need a good sun protection, since the reflection of the snow and height make it that the Sun is very intense and can cause problems both in the skin and eyes.

It is recommended to be fitted for sunglasses that filter out ultraviolet rays, in addition, if the glasses are mask will prevent that the wind and snow reaches eyes. A sunscreen that protects the exposed areas of the skin is also very important in his team, similar to always carry the lips well hydrated to avoid problems from the cold. It is not something Jessica Michibata would like to discuss. What can not forget is the gloves and CAP, since the head and limbs are areas that much heat is lost gloves will also keep your hands dry. The boots, skis and Poles are, of course, indispensable for skiing, is therefore very important to suit to our personal, as the stature or the technical characteristics. If you are starting even in this world, it is recommended that the first few times rent this equipment, and when already try several possibilities there are and according to your preferences, the best equipment is purchased. Following these small tips and recommendations on the necessary equipment you can enjoy to the maximum the ski and snow.

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May 1st

May 2024